Preserve Your Property’s Value with Termite Treatment

Termites are one of the most destructive yet tiny species of pest! Termites are beneficial to the ecosystem as they break down debris to add essential nutrients to the soil. The same feeding behaviours of this type of pest leads to damage to your furniture and wooden fittings. This is the reason that you need termite treatment to get rid of the menaces.

Termites can cause severe damage to your home that may raise your expenses for repair or restoration. Termites love to feed on wood and they can compromise the strength and safety of your home. You should opt for a preventative termite management to avoid the situation of an unliveable house and expensive repairs.

Property Damage in Absence of Termite Protection

Homes are constructed primarily with wood foundation and ceiling. Almost 90% of the household furniture is also made of wooden material. Homes made from other materials can also suffer damage as these pesky pests are capable of traversing through metal siding, plaster, and more.

You need termite protection because these pests are almost unstoppable. Termites can feed on the wooden floors, ceilings, cabinets, and other wooden appliances in your house.

Homeowners experiencing a termite infestation should immediately contact professional termite treatment services before making an attempt on their own. A thorough termite inspection is required for a correct identification and only then a proper plan for treatment can be implemented.

Signs of Termite Damage

These little destroyers dwell underground in the damp, loose soil. Most of the termite species are aggressive and known for the mounds above their colonies. Signs of a termite infestation are hard to detect and you may require a thorough or invasive termite inspection.

The signs of interior damage may be unnoticeable until infestations have grown to a large scale. Termite damage can often look very similar to water damage.

Some common exterior termite damage signs include:

  • Buckling wood
  • Swollen floors
  • Puffed ceiling

These signs can also form due to slight water damage. You may notice visible mazes within the walls or the wooden furniture. If you smell a scent similar to mildew or mould, your house may need immediate termite treatment. Termites also come out to access above-ground food sources through tunnels created with mud, saliva, and faeces. These tunnels are commonly located near the foundation of an infested house.

Signs of a termite infestation are hard to identify. If you notice any signs of damage in your home but find it difficult to identify the cause, schedule a termite inspection with the experts.

Safeguard Pest Control is ready and willing to get rid of your termite problem! Our team of experts can inspect your home to identify and remove these harmful insects from your property.

Call us today! Schedule a guaranteed termite treatment!





