mosquito infestation

7 Signs You Have a Mosquito Infestation

Summertime brings warm sun, rays of vitamin D in copious amounts, cold ice tea, and the occasional mosquito bite. Do you find yourself driven inside and unable to enjoy all of summer’s environmental beauty because of those darn mosquitos?

You may have a real problem, bigger than just not being able to sip your tea on the back deck. A mosquito infestation can cause more than just a few annoying bites. Severe illnesses and even death can result from an unfortunate bight from an already infected mosquito.

Do you have a mosquito infestation in your yard? Keep reading to learn seven signs that indicate you have a problem.

1. Sounds

The sounds of summer should include children laughing and burgers sizzling on a grill. You should not be hearing the high buzzing sound of a swarm of mosquitos nearby. High-pitched buzzing indicates you have more than just a couple of mosquitoes.

The sound you hear comes from mosquitoes rapidly moving their wings. Mosquitoes make more than just your general buzzing noise, though. Their sound is a super high-pitched noise.

If you hear this sound, it’s time to call in a mosquito control expert who can remove the mosquitoes effectively.

2. Bites

An occasional mosquito bite does not necessarily indicate a mosquito problem. However, if you have several bite marks or you find your children with multiple bites, you have a problem.

Female mosquitoes bite in order to suck blood. They need protein from blood to develop eggs. Male mosquitoes do not need blood but rather eat flower nectar.

3. Food Pests

Mosquitoes like your food as much as you do. If you leave food on the counter, you will notice mosquitoes hovering over it. Mosquitoes love sweet things like flower nectar and fruit.

Male mosquitoes in particular look for sweet things since they eat flower nectar. If you notice mosquitoes hovering around your food, call a mosquito professional to create a safe, mosquito-free home.

4. Shady Area Infestation

Mosquitoes need warm temperatures to survive, but they do not love hot areas. If you have a shady property, you could easily have a mosquito infestation. Stay away from the shady grass on cool days until you can have a mosquito expert exterminate your mosquitoes.

Otherwise, when you walk through the cool grass, you will wake the mosquitoes up and they will swarm.

5. Standing Water

If you have any standing water on your property, you will have mosquitoes. Female mosquitoes typically lay their eggs in standing water. The water gives the eggs an ideal place to survive.

Sometimes the mosquitoes will lay their eggs in moist soil as well. Female mosquitoes will lay hundreds of eggs at once. So if you do not treat the infestation, the mosquitoes will only continue to thrive on your standing water.

6. Nighttime Itches

Mosquito bites don’t flare up the moment you receive the bite. Sometimes you won’t even notice that you have a bite until you go to bed. At night, the bites tend to flare up and itch.

If you find yourself scratching at night, you could have a mosquito problem. You may even be sustaining mosquito bites during the day without your knowledge.

7. Visible Signs

If you can see the mosquitoes, especially in swarms, you have a problem. Mosquitoes typically do their hunting at night after the sun sets. So if you see them during the day, you have a serious mosquito problem.

When mosquitoes show up during the day and the night, you have thousands of them on your property. It’s time to call in a mosquito expert.

Risk Factors

Your environment plays a big role in your susceptibility to mosquito infestation. If you live in a humid environment, for example, you’re more susceptible to mosquito infestations than if you live in a dry, arid climate.

Standing water is also a major risk factor. If you have a pond on your property, you will likely have mosquitoes. There are other sources of standing water that we often forget about, though.

  • Landscape ponds
  • Tires that hold water
  • Garbage that holds water
  • Bird baths
  • Clogged gutters
  • Poor drainage

When you eliminate sources of standing water, you reduce the risk of mosquito infestation. So simply spending time getting rid of garbage, cleaning gutters, and improving your drainage system will keep your property and environment healthier.

Health Concerns

Mosquitos cause more than just itchy bumps on your skin. Mosquitoes are parasites, and they can thus spread disease from one living creature to another.

Your symptoms from mosquito-borne illnesses will range from mild to severe.

West Nile virus is the most common mosquito-borne disease.

Furthermore, diseases can spread from person to person when a mosquito bites an infected individual and then bites a healthy person. These diseases include dengue fever, malaria, chikungunya fever, yellow fever, and Rift Valley fever.

Mosquito-borne illness symptoms mimic those you’d normally see with the flu.

  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Fever
  • Joint pain
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Sometimes you will also see a rash accompanying these symptoms. Because the symptoms mimic flu symptoms, people not always recognize their illness comes from mosquitoes.

Avoid a Mosquito Infestation

You do not have to live with a mosquito infestation. If you notice the tell-tale signs of a mosquito infestation such as high buzzing noises, itching at night, or visible signs of mosquitoes, call in an expert.

Meanwhile, you can help yourself out by getting rid of the elements that attract mosquitoes. In particular, remove any sources of standing water.

Do you need a pest expert to evaluate your yard? Contact us today. Our expert technicians will rid your yard of mosquitoes and let you enjoy your yard all summer long once again.