how to get rid of spiders

How to Get Rid of Spiders: 7 Tips for Homeowners

If you recently saw a spider in your home, you’ll have to catch it fast. Most spiders can live for at least one year if you don’t intervene. That’s a long time to have a spider creep on your food, climb on your children, or hide in your bedsheets.

The worst thing about spiders in your home is that there’s never just one. Spider infestations are common, and they become more common as it gets colder.

So how to get rid of spiders once and for all? Keep scrolling for 7 unconventional tips that are sure to do the trick!

1. Clean Up

Spiders are attracted to clutter and food. If you want to get rid of them, throw away any old meals you find in your home.

Also, wash all dishes, pots, and pans in hot soapy water after using them. This will get rid of lingering food particles while also making your kitchen cleaner and less inviting to insects.

In addition to throwing out food, get rid of spider webs as soon as you see them. Remember: Webs are where most spiders eat. If you leave them around, spiders will always have a reason to come back to your home.

2. Try Organic Repellants

If you’re the type of person who prefers a more natural approach to spider control, try peppermint oil. Peppermint is one of the few herbs scientifically proven to repel insects. It works exceptionally well against spiders.

Just apply peppermint oil directly onto cotton balls, then place them where you’ve seen spiders hanging out (such as corners).

You can also use peppermint oil in an infusion and spray it around your home. Be sure to use carrier oils in this concoction. Pure peppermint oil might be too strong for most people’s skin and eyes.

If you don’t have any essential oils nearby, vinegar is the next best thing. White vinegar contains acetic acid, a chemical with a taste and odor that can easily deter spiders from entering your home.

To create an organic spider spray using this ingredient, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. You can use the diluted mixture near cracks, on webs, and even on egg sacs.

Please be aware that these methods are only effective at keeping spiders away; they won’t eliminate pests. These precautions should be coupled with professional extermination.

3. Seal Cracks

If you can’t keep spiders away, there must be cracks in your walls or foundation allowing them access. Block the entry points by using caulk or a foam sealant to fill these gaps.

You can use a flashlight to discover crevices and holes around your home. Some people might need a drywall knife to scrape away the paint on their walls so they can see what’s behind it.

Once you’ve located an area that needs to be sealed, apply a bead of caulk or sealant into the crack and smooth it with a putty knife. Make sure there are no gaps between the sealant and the surface.

4. Use Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are a good option for those who want to remove pests with minimum effort and without using chemicals. They’re cheap, easy to set up, and they work well at catching spiders. The only downside is that they’ll eventually get covered in webs or dust and need to be thrown out after a few weeks.

5. Keep Your Yard Clean and Trimmed

If you make the yard difficult for spiders to navigate, they’re less likely to wander into your home. Regularly trimming your grass will destroy the spiders’ webs and make it impossible for them to catch food.

While you’re tending to your lawn, relocate plants that seem to be attracting eight-legged visitors. Spiders are drawn to sunflowers, hollyhocks, delphiniums, and foxgloves. Moving these away from your home will decrease the likelihood of arachnids finding their way inside.

Removing trash and debris is also important. It will cut down on the spiders’ food sources and make it harder for them to find shelter.

6. Install Screens

Add insect screens to your doors and windows to prevent spiders from entering. Screens also offer the added benefit of blocking out other pests like flies and mosquitoes, further protecting you from disease-carrying insects.

Fiberglass is the most common kind of screen material. Due to its natural resistance to corrosion, rust, and staining, it’s extremely popular among residents of coastal areas.

7. Add Plants to Your Home

If you’re looking for an environmentally friendly solution to keeping spiders out of your home, consider adding certain plants. Spiders don’t like the smell of mint plants or eucalyptus trees. These can be effective deterrents if placed near doors and windows.

Lavender flowers are also great at repelling spiders. These plants contain a chemical called linalool. It is an all-natural substitute for pesticides.

Spiders also detest anything citrusy. The scents of lemon, orange, and grapefruit are all effective at keeping spiders away. If you’re looking for a natural bug repellent, a lemon tree might help.

How to Get Rid of Spiders the Easy Way

Spiders are among the most feared creatures in Australia. Luckily, figuring out how to get rid of spiders is easy.

Just keep your house clean and your yard tidy. You’ll have fewer problems with these eight-legged creatures.

However, these methods won’t get rid of a spider infestation. If you have a problem with spiders in your house, contact Safeguard Pest Control. We’ll use green solutions to eliminate the infestation and get your home back to normal. 
