types of termites

The Different Types of Termites (and How to Identify Them!)

You’ve just moved into your new home and are excited to start making it your own. Then you hear the sound of wood chewing, and in the corner of your eyes, you have spotted your first termite. Don’t worry; you are not alone; there are 250 termite species.

There are various types of termites, and not knowing which one is invading your home can prevent your extermination strategy from being effective. Identifying termites is vital because it will help you find the best approach. Keep reading to learn the different types of termites and how to identify them. 


This species is also known as the Giant Termite. It’s the most destructive of all termites in Australia. It will attack any wood that is in touch with the soil, including bushes and trees. 

It often makes underground nests at the roots of trees. Females might leave the primary colony and form their own sub colony in surrounding places. This may be problematic if the initial bigger colony was treated but smaller sub-colonies were not.


This is the most widespread and common termite. They live on bits of wood and need little water. Their damages are difficult to identify since there are no visible indications until the building falls apart.


This termite is commonly found in trees and seldom in homes. However, they may be discovered in houses near woodwork that have been saturated in water.


This termite lives underground, nesting in trees, patios, and tree stumps. It enjoys nesting under the earth below fireplace foundations to stay warm. If this termite discovers food supplies in your house, it may cause extensive structural damage.


This termite species is situated in coastal Queensland. It makes arboreal nests on poles. It might also produce mounds both beneath and above ground.


This termite is widely known in Darwin since they form distinctive nests reaching heights of 3-4 meters above the ground. These nests have excellent temperature control functionality.


Although this termite feeds mostly on rotting wood, some of its near cousins only consume grass and detritus. They will infiltrate houses that have substantial degradation of wooden buildings. This is due to insufficient ventilation and plumbing. 

Subterranean Termites

These insects live as underground colonies and feed on wood and other cellulose-based materials. They build mud tunnels to travel above ground for food and water. 

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites are in warm and arid climates. Unlike other types, these pests do not need contact with the soil. They live in the wood they feed on, which makes them difficult to detect. 

They are in furniture, wood beams, and other wood structures. They are usually yellow or light brown and have six legs. They also have two long, straight antennae.  

Dampwood Termites

Dampwood termites live in damp, decaying wood. They love areas with high moisture, such as places near streams, rivers, and lakes. 

They are large species with brownish-black colorations. They are also known to build nests in trees or fallen logs. 

Termite Identification and Signs of Infestation

If you suspect that you have a termite infestation, there are several signs you can look for to confirm it. Here are some of the most common ways to identify them: 

Mud Tubes

Subterranean termites build mud tubes to travel from underground colonies to food sources. These tubes can be seen on the exterior walls of your home or wooden structures. 


Drywood termites produce small, hard pellets of excrement. These can be on your floor or wooden foundation. 

Winged Termites

Winged termites, also known as swarmers, are often found near windows and doors. They are usually black or brown and have two sets of wings.

Damaged Wood

Termites can cause extensive damage to the wood material in your home. It could signify an infestation if you notice wear and tear, such as hollowed-out wood. 

Discarded Wings

After swarming, termites will shed their wings. If you find piles of discarded wings near windows or doors, this will indicate an unwanted visitor. 

Termite Prevention Strategies

Termites cause around 1.5 billion dollars worth of property damage a year in Australia. Fortunately, you can take steps to prevent them from infesting your home. Here are some of the most effective prevention strategies: 

Eliminate Moisture

Termites need moisture to survive, so reducing moisture in and around your home can help prevent infestations. For example, if you spill a cup of water, dry it immediately with a towel. Don’t let it absorb into the carpet or any wooden structure.

Seal Cracks and Crevices

Check your home for cracks and crevices and seal them with caulk or foam. This will make it more difficult for termites to get inside. 

Repair Damaged Wood

Damaged wood is an ideal breeding ground for termites. It’s important to repair any damaged wood in and around your home. 

Remove Food

Termites feed on wood and other cellulose-based materials. Removing sources of food can help prevent an infestation. 

Use Termite-Resistant Materials

When building a new structure, use termite-resistant materials. You can try pressure-treated wood, plastic, or stone. 

Keep The Yard Clean

Clean up debris and dead leaves from the yard. This will reduce the risk of termites. 

Regularly Inspect Your Home

Regular home inspections can help you spot signs of a termite infestation. You want to do this before it becomes a significant problem. 

Benefits of Termite Pest Control?

If you have a termite infestation, it’s essential to get it under control as soon as possible. Hiring a professional pest control service can provide several benefits, such as: 

Prevent Further Damage

Professional pest control services have the tools and strategies to locate and eradicate pests. They can also destroy breeding grounds to prevent further damage caused by termites. 

Save Money

If you allow an infestation to continue, it can devalue your home. Hiring professional pest control services can save you money in the long run. They will prevent costly repairs in the future. 

Peace of Mind

Professional pest control services can help deter future infestations with ongoing treatments. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your home is safe. Not only that, it will reduce the stress of more problems down the line.

More on Different Types of Termites

Termites can be a nuisance and cause significant damage to your home. Fortunately, several ways exist to identify these species of termites and prevent them from infesting your place. If you have an infestation, contact a professional pest control service immediately. 

Make sure they specialize in termites and can help you eliminate these nasty critters. For more insights on different types of termites, contact us today for a consultation.
