mouse infestation

Is There a Mouse In Your House?: 6 Warning Signs of a Mouse Infestation

While we all want to be hospitable in one way or another, some guests just don’t deserve a place at the table. You realize this simple truth on the day you see a mouse sprinting across your kitchen floor. The mouse sprinting across your floor is the most obvious of signs of a mouse infestation. Mice leave tell tale signs of their existence before they poke their noses out onto your linoleum.

You need all of your senses to determine if you have a mouse infestation. Mice leave signs that you can detect with your nose, eyes, and ears. You just need to know what you’re looking for.

Keep reading to learn the basic signs of a mouse infestation.

1. Faeces

Before they show their faces, mice will show their faeces. Mice produce a great deal of waste, and you can find this waste anywhere they’ve been.

Because mice are little creatures who can squeeze through small holes, you’ll find their droppings in all kinds of places in your home. Look in particular for mouse droppings in the corners of your cupboards, along the walls, and in drawers.

Remember, mice aren’t social creatures. They don’t want you to know they’re there, so you’ll find their faeces in isolated, dark spaces.

Mouse droppings look like black grains of rice. They’re hard, small, and cylindrical. You may mistake them for a clipped candlewick even.

2. Musky Odours

If you begin to smell a strong, musky odour in your home, it’s time to call pest control. Mice don’t care about personal hygiene, so they’ll urinate where they want. That is the musky odour you smell.

Just one or two mice will not leave such a strong scent. However, if you have multiple mice, you will begin to notice the strong odour. The mouse smell is a distinct sign that you have an infestation.

If you don’t smell anything, your pets will. Pay close attention to your dog or cat’s behaviour. Have they begun to paw at any corners or odd places in your home?

If so, bring in the pest control experts.

The smell could also be a dead mouse since mice also don’t practice proper burial procedures. They simply die in your walls and then begin to decay.

These smells are more than just annoying. They are a health hazard.

Every year people contract hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. This infectious disease stems from breathing air infected with hantaviruses that rodents shed in their urine and droppings.

So breathing in the fumes of mouse urine and droppings can make you sick. Hantavirus left untreated, will lead to death. So if you suspect a mouse infestation, call in an exterminator.

3. Tracks

Mice leave a sort of track that indicates their presence. They will leave droppings, urine stains, and even smudge marks where they’ve been. The more mice you have, the more distinct their tracks are.

If you suspect mice in a particular area, leave a thin layer of baby powder or flour in the area, and then check it periodically. Active mice will leave tracks in the white powder.

When you see tracks, call in the pest exterminator. They will know best how to get rid of mice.

4. Visible Damage

Basic mouse control means controlling the damage they can cause. Mice need to gnaw on hard materials to wear down their teeth. Their teeth continually grow throughout their entire lives, and thus the mice are constantly chewing on things to wear down their constantly growing teeth.

Look for damage caused by little teeth. Mice will gnaw on furniture and cords. They can cause fire hazards and power shortages by chewing on power cords.

Mice also gnaw on food, so check your pantry for signs of damage such as holes in containers or bags.

5. Mouse Noises

As you lie down in bed and close your eyes, you may hear scurrying noises, scratching and moving, coming from inside your walls or ceiling. These are mice moving while you attempt to sleep.

Mice move the most at night, so you won’t hear them during the day. Plus, you just can’t hear mice moving when there’s everyday daytime noise going on.

If you hear movement in your ceiling or walls, call a pest control specialist. They will know how to reach those creatures and allow you to rest peacefully at night.

6. Mouse Houses

Mice need a home too. When they breed, they build nests for their babies. Mice will gather soft material like dried plant material or shredded paper to create a nest.

You will find nests in dark, faraway spaces from the rest of the home. Look behind your fridge or in storage boxes. Mice may also make their nests in the ceilings or walls where you hear them move.

If you find a nest, call a pest control expert immediately. The nest is a certain sign of a current mouse infestation.

Watch Out For Mouse Infestation

Mice carry diseases, and they spread bacteria. They may look cute, but they can cause all kinds of environmental not to mention health problems.

Look for the basic signs of a mouse infestation. If you find a nest, hear scurrying in the walls, spy droppings, or smell an odd musky smell, it’s time to call pest control.

Have you noticed any signs of a mouse infestation? We can help you out. Contact us today for a free estimate and same-day service.

We are a family-owned and operated pest control service that has successfully been helping homeowners and businesses on the Sunshine Coast rid themselves of pests since 1989. Our close-knit, experienced team works together to keep your home and business pest-free.
