Building and Pest Inspection In Sunshine Coast

7 Common Termite Control Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Every year more than 130,000 Australian homes are significantly damaged by termite infestations. So if you have noticed termite damage in your home, you’re not alone!

These tiny pests build colonies that cause extensive damage to the wood in your home and they can spread extremely quickly. Often this results in thousands of dollars worth of damage, which is why getting on top of a termite infestation quickly is key.

If you want to minimize the damage caused by termites in your home then it’s vital that you act quickly and avoid common termite control mistakes. But knowing what to avoid doing is easier said than done!

Fortunately, we’re here to help! Read on to find out seven common termite control mistakes and how to avoid them from termite control experts!

1. Waiting Before Getting Help From Professionals

If you have carried out of termite inspection on your home and are concerned that these pests might be causing damage, it’s vital to get help sooner rather than later.

Termites can do a lot of damage in a short space of time. They can also multiply very quickly and this means that you’ll have a bigger infestation on your hands.

Most termite infestations require professional pest control spray so you shouldn’t take them on by yourself. Delaying professional treatment could leave you with a much bigger infestation on your hands!

2. Choosing the Wrong Termite Control Company

If you want your termite treatment to work then you need help from a company that you can trust. This isn’t something you should cut corners on.

Doing a little research into local termite companies will ensure that you find one that can deliver quality results that last. You should make sure that the company you choose can provide all of the treatments that your home needs. Reading reviews from previous customers can also help you find a great company.

3. Not Getting the Whole Property Treated

Termites can spread quickly through the woodwork in your home, so it is important to get everything treated. Leaving a few termites in an untreated area of your home could put your whole property at risk of another infestation.

Treating your whole home will, of course, cost you more but it’ll save you money in the long run.

4. Carrying Out Building Work During Your Treatment

Last year, 37% of Australian homeowners carried out some sort of build renovation project. These projects are a great way of giving your home a new lease on life but it is very important you don’t get any work done during your termite treatment.

Building work can disrupt the soil treatment and termite bait that your pest control company has left out. It also gives the termites in your home an opportunity to hide in untreated materials. So they’ll just come back once your building work has been completed.

If you have had an issue with termites in the past is essential that you treat any wood you are planning to use in building work first. This will help to prevent future infestations.

5. Leaving Wood Stacked Against Your Home

Termite barrier treatments can really help to prevent termites from getting into your home in the first place. However, you need to give them a helping hand if you want them to work effectively.

This means reducing the number of termite-friendly environments around your home.

Termites thrive in dark, damp, and warm conditions and they love wood. So stacking wood against your home or using untreated wood in fences or cladding is just asking for trouble. An infestation can take route in this and may use it to find a way into your home.

So keep the wood well away from your house and treat anything before you bring it inside.

6. Not Clearing Out Mulch in Your Garden

Speaking of termite-friendly environments, your gardening treatments can also cause an issue. Mulch and manure in particular can contribute to serious termite problems, especially if you use them around your home.

For example, let’s say there is a flowerbed near the base of a building. Putting too much mulch on this to help the flowers could also give termites an ideal resting spot very near your home.

A little mulch around your garden is natural and shouldn’t do too much harm. Just make sure you clear larger areas of it away and be careful about where you use it to fertilize your flowers.

7. Forgetting to Check-In on Your Termite Problem Regularly

Once you have received help from pest control on the Sunshine Coast, your home should be in good condition. However, it is important to keep a close eye out for more termites on a regular basis.

If you have a large home or have only treated part of it then it’s possible that your termites could return. This is more likely in old properties. You can minimize the risk of your infestation returning by using a termite barrier treatment.

If you do spot any signs that your termites have come back, make sure you get in touch with a professional as soon as possible.

Avoid These Termite Control Mistakes

There are plenty of termite control mistakes that homeowners can make which can contribute to their termite infestation getting out of control quickly. Enlisting the help of a professional will ensure that you get on top of your problem and they’ll have loads of great tips for keeping termites at bay.

Are you worried about termites in your home? Then get in touch to speak to a member of our pest control team about how we can help you today!
