termite inspection

8 Questions to Ask a Termite Inspector on the Sunshine Coast

f you have termites in your home, calling a termite inspector as fast as possible is a good choice. But how are you supposed to know you can trust the companies you’re calling? Not every pest control company is run equally, so you have to be careful to get one that’s truly ready to handle your infestation.

Going with a bad termite inspector will only make the problem worse. Here are 8 questions you should ask every termite inspector before hiring them.

1. How Experienced With Termites Is Your Crew?

Every termite inspector needs a certain level of training to prove they are qualified.

Termite inspectors and exterminators need to pass a variety of exams and courses to work the job. Ask the pest control company how much training each termite inspector goes through, and what specific training they’re given. The more they’re willing to tell you, the more you can trust them.

2. Do You Provide After-Care?

A good pest control company in Sunshine Coast won’t stop caring for you after the treatment is done.

Ask the termite inspector what happens after they’ve performed the extermination. Do they provide after-care in the form of scheduled visits? Will they come back and make sure the problem is dealt with?

It’s important to confirm that the infestation is gone. Even the best pest control professionals miss a termite occasionally. If that’s the case, they’ll find it during the follow-up and take care of the problem permanently.

If the termite inspector doesn’t offer follow-up visits, consider another company.

3. Is Your Treatment Method Pet-Safe?

If you have pets, the last thing you want is to put them in harm’s way.

Unfortunately, some pest control solutions aren’t pet friendly. Sometimes, poison is needed to take care of the infestation. The poison is dangerous to ingest or breathe in any form, and if they get a hold of it their lives could be in danger.

Ask them what poison they use, whether you have to make arrangements to keep your pet safe, and if they have a pet-safe option.

4. What Is the Full Cost of Inspection?

A shocking amount of companies charge customers hidden fees, and pest control companies are no different. They can really add up, leading to a bit of a shock when you get your bill.

Ask the pest control company in Sunshine Coast exactly what you’re paying for and how much it will be. Ask if there are any additional charges or hidden fees upfront. Ask exactly what it is you need done, and work out exactly what you’re willing to pay.

This is also a good opportunity to ask about the services available. There may be an additional service you’d like. Get the termite inspector to offer their opinions, and choose your extra services from there.

The more transparent a pest control company is, the better off you are. That’s why here at Safeguard Pest Control, we list our prices online for everyone to see.

5. Do You Guarantee Success?

It’s important to ask every termite inspector you’re considering about their warranty or guarantee.

Some companies explicitly advertise a 100% satisfaction guarantee, but others don’t. They’re not too concerned with the quality of their work as long as they get paid. By asking this, you’re making sure the company genuinely cares about getting pests out of your home.

With a 100% satisfaction guarantee, you know the company won’t give up on you even in the worst infestations. You can trust a company like that.

6. How Should I Prepare My Home for the Inspection?

You’ll likely need to move some furniture or make some preparations for your termite inspection.

Ask the termite inspector what the inspection is like, and how you can prepare your home for it. Make it clear what furniture you have around, ask what needs moved, and if food needs to be sealed. You can also take this time to ask what you should do with any pets, too.

Asking this will help the inspection go as fast and smooth as possible. Imagine the termite inspector gets there and then you have to move furniture as they wait. It’s important to help the pest control, Sunshine Coast company help you.

7. What Is the Length of Inspections?

It’s not just important to know how long you need to vacate the home, but how long the inspection itself will take.

Termite infestations can happen at any time, and it’s never convenient. You’ll likely have to move around your schedule to accommodate the inspectors. Considering this, it’s important to know how long they’ll need to stay, and how long you’ll need to stay out of the building.

With whole-home, large-scale exterminations, you may need to allow 8 hours to have the extermination completed. In other cases, it may only be a few hours. The best way to know is to ask your termite inspector before they start treatment.

8. Where Can I View Your References and Reviews?

If you really want to vet a termite inspector, you’ll have to get the opinion of customers. Where better to look than the internet?

Ask the pest control, Sunshine Coast company straight-up where you can find reviews from them. Do they offer testimonials on their website? How many stars do they have on Google, and what’s their Yelp rating?

If they can proudly point you to their reviews, you’re off to a good start. Check out the reviews online and let the ones that seem the most honest help you decide.

It’s Time to Hire a Termite Inspector

Ask every termite inspector you’re considering the eight questions above before making a choice. Take note of the answers every time and compare companies. When you find a company that impresses you, don’t hesitate — you know you can trust them to take care of your termite problem once and for all.

If you’re looking for experienced pest control in Sunshine Coast, look no further than Safeguard Pest Control. Click here to get a free estimate.


Check out the below video on our Termite inspection process