How Does A Termite Baiting System Work?

Termites can be a source of worry for homeowners who live in areas affected by termite infestation. The best protection for your home is finding a pest control company to install a termite control system that works.

There are two popular types of termite control systems, namely, chemical termite barriers and termite baiting system. A professional can recommend the best termite control system for your home, depending on several factors. The professionals consider the species of termites, soil type, and materials in your home to determine the ideal termite control system.

The focus of this article will be termite baiting systems. Is it worth investing in it? Does it work? Will it be sufficient for your home? Some homeowners believe that termite baiting is ineffective because it doesn’t use harmful chemicals. We will dispel that myth and prove to you that termite baiting systems do work.

How Does Termite Baiting Work?

Step 1: Monitoring

First things first, the termite baiting system should be set up once a professional has completed an assessment of your home. You will need to allow pest control professionals to complete termite inspection of your home before discussing the best termite control system for your home.

As the name suggests, termite baiting systems set up bait for the termites in the area surrounding the house at its core. The monitoring stations act as a trap to discourage the termites from heading straight to your home while foraging. The system includes plastic bait stations that contain wood to go into the bait stations that attract termites nearby.

The station installation leaves 3 meters apart all-around your home. The purpose of the stations is to monitor the activity of termites around the house. The idea is that termite will sniff out the traps and head there instead of your home. The traps are monitored every 4-weeks to 3-months depending on the activity of termites found in the stations.

Step 2: Extermination

Once the monitoring stations show the presence of termites, it is time to start colony elimination. Safeguard Pest Control adds the stations’ bait which is a mixture of cellulose material and a slow-acting termiticide. The worker termites will take the bait and bring it back to the colony for the rest to feed on the bait. It can take 6-12 weeks for the termiticide to eliminate a colony.

The time it takes for the termiticide to work may seem long, but it is worth waiting if it keeps termites away from your home for good. In all our years of experience, the termite baiting system works like a charm when set up correctly.

What are the Benefits of the Termite Baiting System?

The termite baiting system doesn’t use chemicals, and the termiticide is in such low quantities undetected in the soil. There are several benefits to using a chemical-free method that is effective in eliminating termites.

It is an Ecofriendly Technique: The termite baiting system doesn’t infuse the chemicals into the soil around your property. It is a simple method that doesn’t affect the plants and micro-organisms on your property. It is ideal for homeowners who like to conserve the world around them and are not comfortable with chemicals.

It is Safe for Kids and Pets: Any homeowners with kids and pets know how hard it is to keep them out of the yard on a sunny day. Kids and pets enjoy playing outdoors on the lawn. Using the termite baiting system ensures that your soil is clear of chemicals. You can rest easy knowing that your kids and pets are not coming into contact with chemicals.

It is a Flexible System: The termite baiting system is flexible, and it can be useful in different locations. It comes in handy for new homes, various construction types, and different environmental conditions. The pest control company you hire will tell you how well the method will work on your property.

It’s an All-Weather System: The chemical treatment method is affected by flooding and soil movement. Weather conditions can affect the chemical composition in the soil. However, the termite baiting system keeps your home safe during all seasons. Termite baiting systems are unaffected by rainfall, snow, or other harsh weather conditions.


How active is the Termite Baiting System?

100%. The termite baiting system works every time in different locations. We have used the system many times, and each time we safely eliminate the termite colonies. The simplicity of the system is what makes it so effective. The monitoring phase comes in handy in identifying a termite colony near your home.

Can the Termites Ignore the Monitoring Stations?

We have never experienced a case where termites left monitoring stations intact and headed for a client’s home. Research shows that when the monitoring stations are 3 meters apart, they are effective at intercepting termites. You can rest easy and let the professionals handle the termites.

The wood inside the monitoring stations has a substance that attracts termites when they come sniffing around your property. The element aims to intercept any termites heading to your home. The wood acts as a distraction for the termite until the next inspection. Then, the professionals replace the bait with a slow acting insecticide.

What Determines the Frequency of Inspections?

The inspection of monitoring stations can happen after 4-week or 3-months, depending on a few factors. Homes and buildings on zones prone to termite infestation will have frequent inspections every four weeks. Also, conducive conditions to termites and construction materials like wood that attracts termites can increase the frequency of inspections.

However, if you live in areas where termite infestations are low, the inspection can happen every three months. There is enough bait to keep the termites going back to the monitoring stations instead of heading to your home in each scenario.

Do You Need a Property Termite Inspection?

Yes. It is recommendable that you have a property termite inspection at least once a year. Doing a property termite inspection before the installation of a protection system clears your home of any infestation. You can always get elimination services when it turns out that your property has termites. After the termination, installing a termite protection system to protect your home from a future termite infestation is essential.

Who Should Install A Termite Baiting System?

Everyone living in termite prone areas should consider installing a termite baiting system. The truth is that establishing and maintaining a termite baiting system is lower than the home repair costs arising from termite infestation. Prevention is always better than cure.

What Determines the Period to Control Pests?

When using the termite baiting systems, the duration for controlling termites can vary from 3-6 months. The period of eliminating the termites depends on the size of the colony and the year’s time. Keep in mind that the termite control method uses a mild termiticide.

Pest control companies use a slow-acting termiticide because termites have a strong sense of smell. Any detection of chemicals can deter the termites from eating the bait or take it back to the colony. The termiticide takes time to work, but it is an effective way of eliminating a whole colony of termites.

Do Baiting Systems Affect the Curb Appeal of My Home?

Many homeowners are afraid that the installation of baiting systems will affect the curb appeal of their homes. The monitoring stations will not be visible on your yard or lawn. The surface where the monitoring stations are will remain flat and even to the rest of the yard. Only one or two stations may be visible in your yard. Overall, you will still have a beautiful lawn while protecting your home from termite infestation.

Do I Need to Hire A Professional?

Yes, you do. Hiring professionals to do your termite baiting systems ensures that the protection techniques work. It is crucial to keep in mind that you cannot put a price on your home’s safety. Choosing a cheap, ineffective alternative can be costly in the long run. Therefore, take the safe road and hire a reputable pest control company to handle the installation of your termite baiting systems.

Why Choose Safeguard Pest Control?

Safeguard Pest Control company has over 30 years of experience providing solutions in the Queensland Sunshine Coastal area. You will be getting services from professionals trained, experienced, and understand the lay of the land well. The company has a team of professionals who understand the area and are capable of providing adequate services.

Safeguard Pest Control understands all there is to know about setting up termite baiting systems. You won’t regret your decision to keep your home safe from termites. You can book a consultation and get an overview of what happens from our experts. Our prices are reasonable because we always go above and beyond our client’s expectations.

Let’s partner up and allow us to help you keep your home safe all year round. You can focus on other activities when you know that Safeguard Pest Control has got your back when it comes to termite protection.