Termite Prevention

Termite Prevention: How to Protect Your Home From Termites

Termites cause a lot of property damage annually. Needless to say, the amount of money that it costs to replace the damage done by termites can be challenging to come up with for a lot of homeowners.

Often, termite damage is not covered by insurance. This means that if they damage your property you will be paying out of pocket.

Since termites have the potential to cause high-cost repairs, as a homeowner the best thing you can do is to find ways to prevent an infestation. Fortunately, there are many termite prevention strategies available. Here is a look at some of the most effective ones.

1. Remove Feeding Sources

In order for termites to thrive, they need food, warmth, and moisture. If you limit their supply of food you’ll be able to stop them from reproducing.

If you have wooden materials stored near your home, you need to move them as far away as possible. This means that if you have twigs, firewood, tree stumps, leaves or debris nearby, you should perform a clean up to remove them.

2. Install a chemical Termite Barrier

To curve a termite infestation install a chemical termite barrier around your house. Professionals do this by digging a trench all the way around your home approximately 300mm wide. Once you have dug the trench spray liquid termiticide treatment into the trench.

This will create a natural barrier. Liquid termiticide can be harmful to you, your family and your pets if installed incorrectly. Be sure to only employ a professional company.

3. Use Termite Bait

If you do not wish to use termiticide you can use termite baits. Termite baits will also act to kill termites. It spreads poison around the termite colony to stop the infestation.

You can place the bait around your home. Make sure they’re at least 12 feet apart. If you have additional areas where termites like to congregate you can also use termite baits in these areas.

Termite baits are made of paper, timber inserts or cardboard. In addition to effectively killing termites, baits give you the option of using them either above the ground or below the ground. If you have pets and children it is best to dig holes and place the termite baits inside them. Always cover up the holes once you have installed the bait.

3. Introduce Roundworms Into the Environment

Roundworms are natural enemies of termites. Introducing roundworms into an environment where there are termites is a bit like putting cats into an environment where there are a lot of mice.

Using this treatment is very simple. Release the roundworms into the environment where there are termites. Just bear in mind that you will have to reintroduce the roundworms at varying times due to their limited lifespan.

4. Let’s Talk Prevention

Once you have treated termites it’s time to start working on ways to prevent them from coming back. One of the best things you can do is have your home inspected for termites by professionals on an annual basis.

professional inspection is especially necessary if you live in an area that has a lot of trees. Any service that you use should be a part of a pest control association. This will ensure that you are getting a quality inspection along with quality recommendations for treatment.

Ask your treatment provider if they give guarantees. You want to ensure that you get some sort of assurance that if the service is not effective you can get your money back.

5. Limit Ground Contact

A common cause of termite infestation is wood to ground contact. Do not have wooden lattices, door frames, window frames or wood sidings that make direct contact with the ground.

Anything that is made of wood should be at least 75 millilitres off the ground. Always use a concrete base. For example, if you have a wood Laticce that is currently touching the ground, you will want to cut the bottom off and replace it with a base of concrete that is at least 75 millilitres of the ground.

6. Prevention is Always the Best Cure

If you are building a new home, consider getting it pre-treated for termites. It is much easier to set up a barrier against termites and to treat wood for termite while a home is in construction.

Again, if you are building your own home in an area that is heavily forested, you need to discuss with your construction company how you can go about getting any wood that is being used in your home treated for termites.

7. Fill Cracks Around Your Home

Once you have located the source of your termite infestation, you are likely to see cracks in the area. These cracks were used as gateways to infiltrate your home. Go ahead and fill them up and then begin to treat the surrounding areas.

You can use termiticide poison around these areas. However, the most effective course of action is to actually spray the entry points that you have identified. This will kill termites before they can even begin constructing new tunnels.

Final Tips on Termite Prevention

If your home is currently being infested with termites then termite prevention should be at the top of your priority list. Even if your home is currently not infested, if you have neighbours that are having this problem, you can be sure that soon the termites will also begin attacking your home.

As discussed there are several ways to prevent a termite infestation. You can use all of them or just pick out the ones that are right for you and your situation at any given time.

Remember too that prevention is always the best cure. If you are building additional sections to your home or if you are constructing a new home, always get the wood being used and the outer areas of the home treated for termites.

Always, get professional inspections to ensure that you do not miss any areas where termites may be hiding. If you would like help with stopping a termite infestation, please contact us.
